The ways of this world have always confused me. I'm not sure if that makes me a great thinker, about to start a wave of Renaissance or a crazy teenager on the brink of insanity. I don't know what it is that makes me question day to day practices and try and refuse to do what everybody else does. Well, this is my official confession, where I confess to the fact that I don't listen to many written and unwritten rules and also try to do things differently, because I want to be the one to change ways of life.
I never asked for an instruction manual or a guidebook as to what to do in life. Why must we all listen to pre-written rules laid down for us by other people. Are they any wiser than us? Are they 'gods' ? Oh wait, yes.. it is 'god' who tells us what to do through other people. -_- (I apologise for making use of an emoticon in my article, but it was required)
I'm being very general here though. There are two sides to this. On one side, there are practices that genuinely wrong like thievery, drug abuse etc. And I'm not saying I don't believe stuff like that is bad and out of order. But one must realise that it's only the society that perceives thievery is wrong which is why it's technically bad and punishable by law. To practical idealists.. this sentence might seem like Latin.
To simplify things (or not), let me take the example of an alien planet. Maybe society on this alien planet thinks differently and drug abuse is a good thing as it makes you die sooner. And dying sooner is something that is desirable.
Anyway, there's another side to it as well. There are some practices through autocratic governments where certain sections of societies are denied rights and even in Democracies like India, there are laws passed denying gay people .. well, mere existence.
What I'm trying to say is, I don't see why we have to listen and follow the perception of old and even dead guys who were allowed to have their own opinions. But nowadays, we have to follow the already laid down ideals of what is right and what is wrong. WHY?
Another stupid thing is affection. I don't know where to start with this. I can't deny that I succumb to love and affection myself and that I love several people- my family, my friends.But why is that emotion even there? Why did 'god' or whatever make us humans 'fools for love'. I mean, seriously.. I don't want to live without love but what is the point of it.
This brings me to our purpose on Earth. Why do we keep taking things so seriously, and thinking about trivial nonsense like money, when we're gonna die like dogs anyway. For future generations? Future generations who are gonna die too. I want to know why humans were given life? What's the reason and what's our actual job?
(the above is a reference to the ending of battlestar galactica where the humans sort of find purpose)
When you think about that, professions like being a doctor or an engineer just sounds like stupid sh**. Because, I swear to god! I'm so confused and everything seems so petty and trivial to me. Anyway, thankyou so much for reading this. I'm sorry for torturing you through the medium of writing.