Monday, 14 April 2014

Safety Of Women... Why?!

Who would’ve thought that this is what I’d write about.  In the minds of several people, I am the most insensitive female when it comes to this topic. That fact stings a little bit, because being a female myself, I don’t want to be ‘unsafe’ (if that’s a word).

Earlier, throughout the world women were perceived as docile, fragile, submissive and inferior. Even ‘the great Gandhi' felt women belonged at home and should take care of the family and do chores. But when the society decided to let that perception go, why do we still think women need to be spoiled  and given extra protection.

What I’m trying to say is, we should stop thinking about taking measures for the safety of women and start thinking about women empowerment. If women are equal to men, why can’t we take care of ourselves? Why is it that no matter what happens, even if we preach equality- We can’t let a woman be independent and take care of her own security and well-being.

Men need to know that women aren’t objects and they will not be taken for a ride. They need to know that men and women are equal in population and if you insult a woman, then she has the capability to beat the crap out of you.

The main problem that the society is dealing with here lies in perception and the visualisation of women as fragile and inferior. I say, women let go of being little princesses because Monarchies barely exist nowadays and things don’t run that way no more.


  1. I so agree with you! (and your thoughts on this topic)

  2. I'm glad you're with me on this. :) . Indian government measures take measures that don't strive towards bringing backward communities up as equals, they give the communities advantages which disadvantage the rest of the society.
