Sunday, 15 March 2015

Changes Part I

You know how sometimes you decide to stalk yourself on certain social networking sites or in my case, your blog (Don't lie, you do it) and then you find yourself looking at posts and pictures that are several years old and get disappointed at how lame you were.. I never fail to fall down laughing at myself when I do so.
For example, recently I found a picture from 2009 which I took from what I remember was a MacBook. And in this selfie, I look more serious than my mom when she realises I've stolen her cosmetics. Not to mention the fact that I dunked my face in a bucket of white foundation.
And cause the picture by itself wasn't embarrassing enough, I had to abash myself in the comments as well where my aunt asked me why I looked 'sad' and I replied with...
Wait for it..
Brace yourself...
'It's the punk thing'

Which brings me to my point..
It's been about 6 months since I've blogged, and I've learned so much about the world since then. So much about people and their behavioural tendencies. My opinions on so many things have either been supported with facts or contradicted.. with other facts on the basis of which I've strengthened and moulded the way I percieve situations.

Whether we accept it or not, change is inevitable. We as humans, are constantly acquiring more knowledge, changing our opinions on life in general and hence, individually evolving into 'ourselves'. And during this process, we are also discovering ourselves more and more each day.

And I know I've changed, because I'm already embarrassed by my old blogs. But there's one thing I can say for a fact, and that is 'I'm still me and I've held on to my unique characteristics which made and still make me who I am' and that is something that I am exceedingly proud of.

So here I am, back to blogging.. Because I still feel the need to express my views and opinions on a public platform.

Welcome to 17 Unparalleled and idiosyncratic Chainz!

Also, here's a music recommendation for the day

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