Monday, 16 June 2014

Enough Sins.

You ever have that moment when you’re listening to some sad song, or even a happy song. And then you feel your soul burning, because it reminds you of something you used to have? You feel a knot in your throat, nostalgia in your heart, your brain is hurting and your eyes are wet and sticky.

I don’t know if it’s just me who feels that way most of the time. But, in this article.. I’m not asking for sympathy or forgiveness.. I am merely giving you facts. Infact, I’m going to be a little selfish in this article and talk about myself. When I say that, I think it’s time for me to confess.

This article is about sins, it’s about everything we’ve done wrong and not taken into consideration. Forget stealing, thuggery, drinking, doing drugs which are eventually going to affect you. The biggest sin is being an ass to those who matter to you.

I can assure you, I’m the biggest ass to ever exist (no pun intended). I’ve hurt so many people I can barely count. Hell! I don’t remember how many people I’ve hurt this week.

Every time you lie, every time you insult someone, every single bloody time you pretend to be somebody’s friend. Think about what you are doing.

I’m trying to add witty humour into this article, but I just can’t. Because I’m so unbelievably serious. People matter.  And every time you succumb to any of these evils, you’re letting go of your own dignity and you’re screwing somebody over.

I need you to take just one minute, and think about the people that you actually care about. Now keep them close to you, never let them go and take care of them. You never know when they’re going to leave you in life. And if you continue acting like a prick to them, you can be damn sure that ‘when’ is soon. If you have treated anyone badly, then apologise. Forgiveness will not nullify what you have done, but that’s the most you can do-  show how sorry you are.

Say it with me.. ‘I’m done being a douche’ .
And I’m sorry for the level of seriousness in this article, but I find it crucial to share this with my readers. I don’t want you to feel as regretful as I do and I definitely don’t want you to end up hating yourself as much as I do for what you’ve done.